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Professional SETUPS

We offer professional setup services on all acoustic and electric guitars. If you have high action, intonation issues, buzzing, or would just like your guitar to play better overall, we can help. Your guitar will play better and allow you to maximize your ability.

Acoustic Setup - $75

Electric Setup - $60

pickup/Electronics Install & Repair

We offer installation and repair of electronic parts and pickups. If you have a new set of pickups to swap out, have a crackly volume knob, just want to upgrade your wiring harness, or want some type of custom wiring/coil tapping, we can handle it.

2 Pickup Install - $50

3 Pickup Install - $65

Wiring Harness - $80 (solid body), Case-by-case price (hollow body)

Custom Wiring - Case-by-case price

Other Services

Electric Action Adjustment- $25

Acoustic Action Adjustment - $35

String Change - $15

Parts Swap/Install - Case-by-case price

Any other services you need that you don’t see listed here, please get in touch. We can likely do it!

To get started with your service or repair, please reach out by phone or email and we will schedule a time to get started on you instrument!